Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pre/K Story Time Books (4.9.13)

We took advantage of the lovely weather and had an indoor/outdoor, nature-based story time today. All of the books are based on events that the actual Henry David Thoreau (NOT a bear in reality because, as one of the kids pointed out, "bears don't build cabins")  recorded in his books and diaries about life on Walden Pond in Massachusetts. All were written and illustrated by D. B. Johnson and can be found under jE JOH.


Our Waldenesque adventure was rounded off by a nature walk through the trail in the park to see if we could find anything that Thoreau might have noticed if he were walking with us. Here are pictures of the actual cabin Thoreau built. Notice how small it is:

If you have children between the ages of 4 and 6, please join us next Tuesday from 2:00-2:45 pm. There is no charge, and registration is not required. Just stop by the children's desk by 1:45 pm to pick up an admission ticket.

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